Aug 27, 2008

August 2008

August flew by us. We have been busy and trying to enjoy the last few weeks until school started! Kortlyn's 6th Birthday was on the 5th. She invited her friends to the splash park. and they had tons of fun, water fighting, and spraying each other.
The party theme was Hannah Montanna of course! She had a great day!
On the 15th Daren and I had a wild hair and went out to the Parade of Homes! We saw some beautiful homes, and I would have been fine to stop after about the 4th house,
but surprisingly Daren wanted to keep going. He enjoyed it more than he thought he would.
besides who doesn't love looking in people's closets?
I also enter Nate in the Uintah County Fair Baby Show. Just because he's so darn cute. The theme was down on the farm, and they had to dress in swimsuits. He was so shy, and wouldn't sing old McDonald had a farm with all his cute animal sounds. He only muttered uhuh...uhuh to everything the judges asked him, so I was really surprised when he won 2nd Place!! He thought he was pretty hot stuff, he got to go on stage, and get his trophy, cowboy hat, and box of toys! I couldn't pry those things out of his hands for the rest of the day!
They took his picture for the paper.
On the 21st we loaded up all the kids for a weekend trip to Park City! We stayed at a town home, with our friends Garrett and Zinna Eaton. We did the Alpine coaster, and went on the ski Gondola, and ate lunch at the top in the lodge. We did ton's of School Shopping, and ate awesome food all weekend. but the real reason we went was for another Tri-Athelon. The Jordanelle Tri was Sat. Garrett and Daren were pumped up and ready. They both did great. To see them come across the Finish Line, Zinna and I had to hike about 10 miles, it was about 97 degrees, and we had 3 kids with us (we left the older one's at the house) Zinna is 7 months preg. I had to carry her on my shoulders and push the stroller with all 3 kids in it, uphill both ways we had quite a workout, I think Zinna and I were more wore out than the guys! (I'd like to see them hike in there with 3 kids in 1 stroller) It was worth it to cheer them on!
This isn't the right time to ask me how many more Tri's Daren is planning this year.
Speaking of totally ripped Daren, in the best shape of his life, his 38th Birthday is on the 29th.
So Happy Birthday Daren!!!!We all love you so much and are so proud of you!

I forgot to mention school started on the 25. Ugh. It has been crazy, Ashley is loving middle school. She has 6 different teachers, and classes, the school isn't completely finished from a remodel that started about 2 years ago, but she is hoping to have a locker by Christmas! Mitch is loving 3rd grade is has a young new teacher and he even told me "mom, she is pretty" so that helps to get him up in the morning! Kortlyn Starts Kindergarten next week I wish someone would explain to me why they make the Kindergartners wait 10 days after the other kids start. It's sheer torture for her and ME! She can't wait to go to school because she gets to ride the bus, and put her backpack in a cubby. She just did her testing and when her teacher asked her to name the days of the week she said "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday........ churchday! and when she asked her if she had 3 pink balloons and 2 green balloons how many balloons would you have? She said "you would have 3 pink balloons and 2 green balloons" duh!